Imprint of intermedix in Czech Republic

Registered office of the company:

intermedix Česká republika s.r.o.
Bucharova 2657/12, Stodůlky, 158 00 Praha 5

Managing director: Ing. Josef Klásek
Spisová značka: C 112521 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze
Commercial register number: 274 35 423


Postal address / location:

intermedix Česká republika s.r.o.
Building C, Coral Office Park
Bucharova 2657/12
158 00 Praha 5 - Stodůlky

Phone: +420 246 007 900


Picture credits

The images we use here on this website come from: 
(a) Adobe Stock,
(b) were created or photographed by ourselves or
(c) provided by customers or partners.